7-Eleven’s New Product Review: The Whipped Cream Dorayaki


7-Eleven has just released a new treat called the “Whipped Cream Dorayaki,” which, as the name suggests, is a simple yet luxurious dessert featuring a generous helping of whipped cream sandwiched between moist dorayaki pancakes. Released on August 11, 2024, it’s priced at 192.24 yen (including tax) and contains 216 calories. Let’s dive in and see what this sweet delight has to offer!

Small but Mighty! A Satisfying Dorayaki in Every Bite

Though this dorayaki measures just about 7 centimeters in diameter, don’t let its size fool you. As soon as you open the package, you’re greeted with an impressive amount of whipped cream that doesn’t disappoint. Unwrapping it, you might find yourself thinking, “Wow, there’s so much cream!”—it’s sure to lift your spirits right from the start.

A Perfect Harmony Between Fluffy Pancakes and Rich Whipped Cream

Let’s see inside!!

The dorayaki pancakes are delightfully fluffy yet moist, with a texture that truly stands out. Made with mirin and honey, they have that characteristic sweet and slightly toasty flavor we love in dorayaki. And the pairing of these pancakes with the whipped cream is just perfect. Together, they create a symphony of textures in your mouth, making each bite a moment of indulgence.

A Hint of Liqueur for a Grown-Up Whipped Cream Experience

Now, I have to confess—I’m not usually a fan of whipped cream. Growing up surrounded by dairy products (my family ran a milk business), I’ve always loved milk but found the sweetness of cream overwhelming. However, this whipped cream is different. It’s not just sweet; there’s a subtle hint of liqueur that adds depth to its milky flavor. It’s rich yet not too heavy, making it hard to resist reaching for another bite…or even another dorayaki. The touch of liqueur gives it a sophisticated, adult taste.

Highly Rated Online: “This Is a Hit!”

Online reviews are also full of praise, with many noting that it’s “not too sweet and easy to enjoy—this one’s a winner.” It seems to be particularly popular among whipped cream lovers, who appreciate its simplicity. It’s the kind of dorayaki that makes you think, “This is exactly what I was looking for.”

MATOME – In Conclusion

The “Whipped Cream Dorayaki” is a perfect example of how simplicity can highlight the quality of ingredients—a true embodiment of “simple is best.” It’s mildly sweet, easy to eat, and though it’s small, it’s incredibly satisfying. Be sure to grab one at your nearest 7-Eleven for a delightful snack or dessert.

Pro Tip: Chill It for a New Experience!

While it’s delicious as is, try chilling it for a different texture. On a hot summer day, you can even freeze it and enjoy it like ice cream—it’s a great way to reduce the guilt of a late-night snack!

If you’re a fan of whipped cream, 7-Eleven’s “Whipped Cream Dorayaki” is a must-try. Give it a shot—you won’t be disappointed!

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